Spring update: gate now in use, car permits, rent collection, and seed potatoes / onions for sale!

New road gate and parking permits

We wrote to everyone in November about the new gate the council gave us to help manage traffic with the Burrell Collection opening this week. We’ve already had a few days this month when it’s been difficult to get past general park visitors parking at the end of the lane, so we’re going to try closing the gate over for a few weeks. It doesn’t have a padlock yet, and the committee are looking at whether we can get one made to fit the same gate key we already all use.

In the meantime, if the gate’s closed over when you arrive, please push it closed behind you again once you’ve gone through. It’s not heavy at all.

Gate closed over at bottom of lane

Wardens are also about to start giving tickets to anyone who’s parked without paying at a meter, so we’ve agreed with them that we’ll start handing out new SJSM permits to our members again to keep us from getting any and then having to bother with an appeal.

If you come to the plots in a car, just contact us online or speak to Scott (plot 38, Acting Secretary), Marie (plot 1A, Chair) or Angela (plot 27, Acting Treasurer) and we’ll get you sorted with a new permit to put in your window.

Rent collection

Rent is due by the AGM on the second Sunday of May, and Angela (Acting Treasurer) is ready to start taking payments. Details have been sent out by email and posted on the notice board. Please send any rent questions direct by email to Angela, or drop by plot 27 to see her.

We get some resignations every year at the end of rent season when the deadline comes around. If you’re thinking this might be the year you hand back your key, we’d be sorry to see you go, but get in touch early and we can help save you the effort of turning over the soil for an extra few weeks. We’ll help you get the plot handed on to someone on our waiting list so they can do the work (and they can get a good crack at things from the start of the season), and we can sort out an early refund for you. Just reply to this email and we’ll be in touch to help you see if it sounds right for you.

Seed potatoes / onion sets / seeds for sale

We’ve taken in a lot of stock for the Glasgow Allotments Forum who were looking for a place to store their seed potatoes from their annual Potato Day Sale. There’s loads left to be sold, from something like 40 varieties.

Since it’s sitting right in our pavilion, you might as well save yourself a trip to the shops. The onion sets are desperate to get in the ground right now too.

  1. Just pay for it through the GAF website first – glasgowallotments.org/shop
  2. You’ll get an automatic email back with a link to choose a time to come by the pavilion and pick up your stuff.

If it doesn’t get sold by next week, it’ll go off to local growing charities and food groups to use in schools.

Any questions, just ask Scott!

Need some inspiration?

Spring update: gate now in use, car permits, rent collection, and seed potatoes / onions for sale!
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