Glasgow Allotment Forum is awarding prizes for gaf
“New Plot Holder”  please see the information below.

With another growing season underway, we’re all focused on our plots, plants and produce; doing what we love best – gardening. Celebrating our hard work and achievements encourages us all, especially our newest members and so GAF invites your site and plot-holders to participate in the annual New Plot-holder Awards .

The New plot-holder Awards aims to encourage, recognise  and reward those individuals who rise to the challenge of  a new plot.  New plot-holders come to a plot which may or may not be in good condition, with a variety of previous gardening experiences, skills and backgrounds.

Whatever the starting point, the enthusiasm, hard work and commitment demonstrated by a new plot holder is to be commended and encouraged.

Please encourage your new plotholders to enter this competition. We have tried to widen the criteria based on the feedback from previous entries and would value any thoughts you have too.

Please note the closing date for entries is 1st  July 2016.

Judging will take place on Thurday 14th July 2016.

Fiona McGuire (on behalf of Glasgow Allotments Forum) contact via email

Here is the Application form.