Please come along to our final consultation events for ‘Finding A Future for Pollok Stables’. These sessions will look explore future options for the stables and present initial findings from our previous consulatations and conversations.

Pollok Stables face serious challenges – the buildings are desperately in need of emergency repairs and a sustainable, sympathetic long-term use. We’ve been holding a series of hands-on events and conversations with park users and community groups, looking at the buildings’ history and the threats they face and gathering views on how to secure their long-term future.

Come along to our final events this October and have your say! We are keen to get as much local opinion and insight as possible. All events are free of charge and include activities for children.

Venue: Visitor Centre, Old Stable Courtyard, Pollok Park
Dates and Times: Drop in any time between 11am – 4pm, Sun 15th October and Wed 18th October

You can also have your say via our online survey: