
At a Public Meeting held on 19th October, 1888, in the Tontine Hall, Ex-Provost Nicol Cameron in the chair, a Committee was appointed to wait on Sir John Stirling-Maxwell with a view to securing a site for Garden Plots for Pollokshaws. On the 24th December following, at a Public meeting, the Committee reported as follows:-
“That Sir John had kindly agreed to let them 3 acres of ground at Bankhead at a rent of 5 shillings per year. That as he was unable to give
them a lease of the ground he undertook, in the event of it being necessary to change the position of the plots, to pay at least half the expense involved in moving them, for new fencing etc.”
This generous offer was accepted with thanks to Sir John.

Preamble to the ‘Rules and Regulations for the Government of “The Sir John Stirling Maxwell Gardens” , Bankhead, Pollokshaws’ (1937)

Lady Maxwell Macdonald attended the Centenary event in the former pavilion and wrote this letter on her return home to Argyll.

We have 126 plots within our gardens, which are located within Pollok Park, Glasgow. The gardens were created on the behest of Sir John Stirling Maxwell in 1888 for the residents of Pollokshaws.

Since then, the allotments have been run by a committee elected from the members. See Commemorative Letter sent to Lady Maxwell Macdonald in the centenary year.

The extract below from the Rules set at the AGM in 1988 established the boundary as eligibility for application to be on our waiting list. Rule 28 states that preference will be given to residents from the immediate locale. See Documents for current Rules and Regulations.