Around the Plots

Stunning images captured from the main paths at the plots over the summer by our own resident photographer Siananne Boylan of Plot 121. See if you can recognise any from your own plot

Open Day Donations

Thank you SO much to our Open Day visitors who kindly donated to local foodbanks at the gate. You raised an amazing total of £712. It was such a pleasure today to meet Audrey and Claire, managers of Glasgow SE Foodbank and Glasgow South West Foodbank who do such invaluable work with their teams in the local community. The donation will be divided equally between the two organisations. Thanks everyone!

Compost orders – by Friday afternoon

In case you’ve not seen the sign at the noticeboard yet, enough people have asked for more compost that we’re putting in another order. Let us know by Friday (17th June) before 5pm how much you want, and we’ll phone it in to their order system before they close for the weekend.

Delivery probably is about a week, so the sooner we can get the order in, the better!

Speak to Scott, or email your order to

NB: Prices have gone up slightly since the last time we ordered

Gazebo project update

We have submitted Planning and Building Warrant applications to Glasgow City Council for the new gazebo. As we are in a Conservation Area, we are required to apply for planning consent for this permanent structure. The gazebo will be a great addition for members to enjoy socialising and will also be used for scheduled visits by local community groups to take refreshments following talks and tours of the plots. We received Area Development Funding towards this facility from the Council, along with the future conversion of Plot 3 into a wheelchair-accessible plot.

Progress for the Planning application, which normally takes around 2 months for decision, can be viewed online at the Glasgow City Council List of Planning Applications

If you have any questions, see Helen on plot 72, who’s managing the day-to-day parts of the project and who created the architectural drawings, and William on Plot 7, from the Committee.

AGM Agenda 2022

Sunday 8 May, 2pm

Tea and coffee outside pavilion from 1pm


In case you’ve never been to the AGM before: it’s your chance to discuss how things are going, and how we could develop the site for the benefit of all. Everybody’s warmly encouraged to come along to the pavilion next weekend at 2.

We’ll have tea and coffee outside the pavilion from 1. Come along and meet some people you’ve never met, and have a chat about the points on the agenda (below) before we get started.

It’s also where the current Committee stands down and a new one is elected (4 office bearers, 1 groundskeeper, 2 auditors, plus up to 9 others). If you’d like to stand, you just first need to be proposed by a member and then seconded by another. It might be helpful if we know in advance who’s interested in standing, or if you just have questions about the job – contact us here. We’ve created some are role descriptions to help you think about it. Fresh perspectives are always welcome!

Each Member (i.e. the one single person who signed the membership form for your plot – contact us if you need to check who that is) has a right to vote on any resolutions. We’re happy in principle for plot-sharing partners to come along and listen / discuss their relevant experiences so we can feed that into the eventual votes by the Members. If we’re pushed for space inside the pavilion, though, we’ll need to ask that partners give up their seats. If it’s nice, we could even move out to the tarmac…

If you’re not coming to the AGM, I’ll take this chance with the last official message of the year from the secretary’s seat to say that I (and the whole committee) hope you’ve had a good growing year this past 12 months. It’s been good to meet even more of you than I did back when I was Treasurer. I’m excited by the new gazebo project taking shape as we wrap up the Committee year, and you can see the plans for that in this other post.

All the best

Acting Secretary (Plot 38)


For a reminder of all Rules & Regulations / Constitution as they currently exist, see the Documents page.

  1. Chair’s opening remarks
  2. Minutes of last AGM (attached, below)
  3. Secretary’s report (to be tabled)
  4. Treasurer’s report (to be tabled)
  5. Auditor’s report (to be tabled)
  6. Spending decisions deferred from Committee meetings throughout the year
    (Details of the following spending proposals are attached, below)
    a. Defibrillator
    b. Chemical toilet
    c. Match funding for accessible plot / gazebo project
    d. Removal of overgrown Leylandii (Plots 66 and 68b)
  7. Motions
    (Details of the following motions are attached, below)
    a. Amendment to burning season (Proposer: Committee)
    b. Increase of late levy (Constitution part 2 & Rule 5) (Proposer: Scott)
    c. Plot-clearing deposit (Constitution part 2 & Rule 4) (Proposer: Scott)
    d. Procedure for approval of £300+ spends (Constitution part 7 / New rule?) (Proposer: Scott)
    e. Use of external pavilion power socket (Proposer: Marie)
    f. Formal ratification of Constitution (Proposer: Scott)
  8. AOCB
  9. Election of committee (see role descriptions, below)
  10. Vote of thanks

Waste cage for the Easter weekend

Council truck delivering waste cage up the allotment lane

The council have kindly offered us this cage to help with waste disposal.

  • Please, no hazardous materials (gas canisters, paint, solvents) – everything goes into a crusher and the staff don’t want to have to deal with injuries 🙃
  • It’s just a small cage, so try to spread out heavy materials (slabs, concrete) between this one and the summer skip or they might not be able to lift it up again.
  • It’s shared between 127 plots so please be considerate to your fellow plotholders in how you fill it.
  • There’ll still be another chance to dispose of bulky, non-recyclabe, non-compostable waste later in the year as usual.
  • The lane will need to be kept clear of cars on the day they take it away (TBA – keep an eye out for more posts here / on Facebook / on the notice board).

Happy Easter Weekend! 🐣

Mini Potato-Day Fire Sale

One last chance to get your hands on some of the stock from this year’s online Potato Day from the Glasgow Allotments Forum!

Everything will be out on tables this weekend 2-5pm both days, outside the pavilion. Everything is reduced from original prices. 2kg bags are £3.50, and everything smaller is £2.50. Onions are £2 for 50 sets, and shallots are £3 for 12. Flower and veg seeds are individually priced – usually between £1 and £1.50.

If you prefer to pay online first, put your order through on the GAF webshop and just head over to the plots to pick it up!

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